- Pronunciation Guide
- Introduction
- The People and Their Country
- Population
- Race
- Health
- Land, Weather, and Tərlaid
- Topography
- Weather and Adaptation to Climate
- Semai Meteorology
- "Hot Rain," Nyamp, and Allied Phenomena
- Thundersqualls
- Animals and Pənali'
- The Response to Animals
- Housing
- Hunting and Trapping
- Fishing
- Keeping Animals
- Semai Zoology
- Taxonomy
- Penali'
- Nicknames
- Plants and Agriculture
- Agriculture
- A Conjectural History of Semai Agriculture
- Economics and Daily Life
- The Use of Food
- Distribution of Food
- Preparing and Eating Food
- Daily Cycle
- Hupur gəgəlap
- Hupur
- Yah
- Duii
- Kəlem (Məngɔnt)
- Məngɔnt
- The Nonviolent Image and Punan
- Expressing Hostility
- Enculturation
- Training Techniques
- Aggression Training
- Ramifications of the Nonviolent Image
- Sex and Aggressions
- Noninterference
- The Problem of Authority
- Kinship and Territorial Groups
- Disease, Death, and Medicine
- Dangerous Situations: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Menstruation
- Present and Future
- Living and Working with the Semai
- Afterthoughts (1978)
- Glossary
- Recommended Reading