
  1. Pronunciation Guide
  2. Introduction
  3. The People and Their Country
    1. Population
    2. Race
    3. Health
  4. Land, Weather, and Tərlaid
    1. Topography
    2. Weather and Adaptation to Climate
    3. Semai Meteorology
    4. "Hot Rain," Nyamp, and Allied Phenomena
    5. Thundersqualls
  5. Animals and Pənali'
    1. The Response to Animals
      1. Housing
      2. Hunting and Trapping
      3. Fishing
      4. Keeping Animals
    2. Semai Zoology
      1. Taxonomy
      2. Penali'
      3. Nicknames
  6. Plants and Agriculture
    1. Agriculture
    2. A Conjectural History of Semai Agriculture
  7. Economics and Daily Life
    1. The Use of Food
      1. Distribution of Food
      2. Preparing and Eating Food
    2. Daily Cycle
      1. Hupur gəgəlap
      2. Hupur
      3. Yah
      4. Duii
      5. Kəlem (Məngɔnt)
      6. Məngɔnt
  8. The Nonviolent Image and Punan
    1. Expressing Hostility
    2. Enculturation
      1. Training Techniques
      2. Aggression Training
    3. Ramifications of the Nonviolent Image
      1. Sex and Aggressions
      2. Noninterference
  9. The Problem of Authority
  10. Kinship and Territorial Groups
  11. Disease, Death, and Medicine
  12. Dangerous Situations: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Menstruation
  13. Present and Future
  14. Living and Working with the Semai
  15. Afterthoughts (1978)
  16. Glossary
  17. Recommended Reading

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